Monday, February 11, 2013

Healthy Living 101

My passion has always been life, health and the pursuit of happiness. I feel that everyone can benefit in some form or another from this philosophy and I am happy to say that today, I live my passion through the practice of chiropractic. I do my best every day to provide a basis for health and wellness to my patients, and in doing so, I myself have received an education. . . from my patients! I have heard thousands of very well thought out, interesting and unique ideas for achieving and maintaining wellness. Through all of these discussions, I find that there are five essentials that stick out as the common thread that ties all of these methods into a dynamic and powerful lifestyle.

Five simple suggestions for living a healthier, happier life. . . 

(1) Take care of the nervous system
(2) Eliminate and avoid toxins
(3) Maintain an organic anti-inflammatory diet
(4) Reduce stress
(5) Exercise often

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Chiropractic Treatment of IT Band Syndrome
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common causes of knee pain and is more frequent in runners than any other group of individuals. Though there are many potential causes of ITBS, it is often the result of poor biomechanical function caused by misalignment of the sacroiliac joints and subluxation of the lumbar spine. Without proper treatment, ITBS can lead to unbearable knee pain.
Pain over the lateral aspect of the knee/hip/IT band, that is stinging in nature during activity, and reduces to a throbbing sensation with rest (pain on the outside of the knee is the most common symptom). There is often a popping/clicking/rubbing sound during exercise as well.                                                               
The Iliotibial band (Figure 1) is a very tough longitudinal tract of fascia with a broad origination at the hip, and narrow attachment at the tibia. The IT band provides lateral stability to the hip and knee. Due to the fact that the IT band crosses both the hip and knee joints, it can become irritated due to numerous different biomechanical restrictions of the spine and/or sacroiliac joints.
Figure 1

ITBS is an overuse injury that is caused by irritation of the IT band as it rubs on the lateral condyle of the femur during walking, running, cycling, climbing stairs and any other activity involving repeated flexion/extension of the knee. When the hips become misaligned (Figure 2), tension on the IT band is increased. This leads to more friction between the femoral condyle and the IT band. If the biomechanical dysfunction in the sacroiliac joints is left unattended, the friction created in this pathobiomechanical position will cause constant irritation of the IT band. The resulting pain can be debilitating and very difficult to treat without first correcting the spinal subluxation, which is the root cause of the biomechanical dysfunction in many cases. Spinal subluxation will also lead to improper nerve flow to and from the muscles and proprioceptors within the articulations in the spine, hip and leg. Consequently, irritation of the IT band progresses; leading to compensation and development of a myriad of seemingly erroneous symptoms.

Figure 2

A thorough evaluation is needed to fully understand the cause of each individual case of iliotibial band syndrome. Chiropractic treatment to eliminate pelvic imbalance and spinal subluxation is the first step in treating and more importantly PREVENTING iliotibial band syndrome. Spinal manipulative therapy will also help to restore proper nerve flow and therefore, prevent tissue death. Research has shown that chiropractic manipulation can increase muscle activation (torque) and decrease muscle inhibition. This chiropractic treatment is key in restoring neurological function and facilitating  proper muscle recruitment patterns.
Other effective treatments for ITBS include:
Cold Laser
Neuromuscular Re-education
Core strengthening
Kinesio Taping

Home care solutions and supplemental support for ITBS to follow next week. . .

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oral Cancer Awareness

Did you know-> "Close to 37,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. It will cause over 8,000 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. Of those 36,000 newly diagnosed individuals, only slightly more than half will be alive in 5 years."

Help raise awareness for oral cancer, and donate @ the link below!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Simple Fix to a Painful Problem

This picture does a pretty good job of showing the effect of a bulky wallet. Low back pain can be caused by many things that we do and this is one that over time can become quite a problem. As the diagram shows, when sitting on a wallet (or any other bulky object in a back pocket) the lumbar spine bends sideways. If the spine is in this position for long periods of time, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that support the spine will adapt. These changes can cause the bones to become displaced and fixated. This can cause a great deal of pain, and also requires a lot of work to correct. The easy part is to remove the wallet. . . the rest of the work has to be done by a chiropractor and you. 
Remember. . . 
In order to optimize our body’s capacity to function, we must take care of it! This means it is essential to  maintain a positive mental focus, avoid and eliminate toxins, exercise regularly, eat a healthy well balanced organic diet, and take excellent care of the nervous system. . .

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some Fats are Good Fats

Sorry for the absence of attention to my blog. I have been extremely busy taking national board exams, seeking job opportunities in Manhattan, and getting adjusted to the flow of treating live patients. I find the topic of fish oil supplementation very interesting due to the constant state of inflammation that the American diet causes; as well as, the fact that 100,000 Americans are hospitalized each year due to the use of NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen) and an estimated 20,000 deaths result from GI bleeding directly caused by the use of NSAIDs for things such as arthritis.

Fish Oil and Cardiovascular Disease
One of the most popular supplements in today’s health scene is fish oil. As noted in many research studies, supplementation of the marine derived omega-3 fatty acids can have a drastic impact on one’s health status. This is especially true when it comes to cardiovascular health. A thirty-year follow up study (Chicago Western Electric Study) found that men who consumed at least 35g of fish daily were 38% less likely to die of sudden heart attack (MI) and 67% less likely to die of non-sudden MI. In a study conducted by Zhang, an overall decrease in the incidence of ischemic heart disease and stroke mortality was found to be consistent across thirty-six countries. The overall reduction in cardiovascular disease can be seen in numerous studies conducted in many different populations. In yet another study, fish intake equating to 5.5g of omega-3 fatty acids per month resulted in a 50% reduction in the risk of primary cardiac arrest. This would equate to taking a fish oil supplement 6-12 days out of the month depending on the quantity of EPA and DHA. The Physicians’ Health Study recently reported that higher blood levels of omega-3’s was strongly correlated with a reduction in risk of sudden death in men with a history of cardiovascular disease. This means, that it can be highly beneficial for those who have previously been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease to establish an intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids daily.

Not only has fish oil been evaluated for cardiovascular disease, but neurological benefits have been demonstrated as well. In the book Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-inflammatory, the author cites research studies pertaining to ADHD, dementia, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, and diabetic neuropathy. It seems that these essential fatty acids are useful for many disorders that we face, and supplementation is thoroughly effective in providing these fatty acids. A general recommendation of 1-3 grams of omega-3’s per day can be made (with caution in cases which an individual is on medication that causes blood thinning) to most of the population (2). As a chiropractic student, I am continually searching for the keys to maintaining a healthy body. The clinical investigations into fish oil as a supplement have shown that there are many issues that can be addressed by adding this natural anti-inflammatory to a daily regimen. In most cases, the best way to get any nutrient into the body is to eat the whole food. Unfortunately, avoiding the dangerous contaminants can be expensive since one must buy wild caught Alaskan salmon to keep the levels of PCB and mercury to a minimum while maintaining the proper omega-3 quantities. I am always a proponent of eating rather than supplementing, but there is a strong case to be made for supplementing fish oils. Pressurized distillation eliminates harmful contaminants, these supplements are affordable, and independent lab analysis has shown that even the less expensive products are pure (2). The most important ingredients in a high-quality fish oil are DHA and EPA (for the nerds Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid).

The higher the quantity of EPA and DHA, the more potent the fish oil will be. Remember. . . always keep ANY fish oil supplement in the refrigerator. In order to optimize our body’s capacity to function, we must take care of it! This means maintain a positive mental focus, avoid and eliminate toxins, exercise regularly, eat a healthy well balanced organic diet, and take excellent care of the nervous system. . .

Sources Cited
1.       Kris-Etherton, Penny M., William S. Harris, and Lawence J. Appel. "AHA Scientific Statement Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease." American Heart Association. Web. <>.
2.       Maroon, Joseph C., and Jeffrey Bost. Fish Oil: the Natural Anti-inflammatory. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, 2006. Print.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chill out and Eat

One of the most basic tasks that we perform on a daily basis is sitting down to have a healthy, well-balanced meal to replenish our mind and body. If you’re anything like me, you probably eat in a hurry and move on to the next duty to be fulfilled. As common as this is in our busy world, the benefits of taking time to sit down, relax and enjoy a meal are well worth the extra time.

It is imperative to be in a state of relaxation in order to digest food properly. High stress levels not only prevent the parasympathetic nervous system from functioning properly (and therefore drastically reducing the efficiency of the digestive process), but increased stress has also been linked to lower levels of testosterone and growth hormone in men. Increased stress levels have also been correlated to elevations in cortisol, which according to the American Medical Association, can lead to over 80 diseases (1, 2). Increases in cortisol create an inability to utilize carbohydrates and fats properly; but more importantly, elevated cortisol levels result in undue hunger. . . which leads to overeating.

One of the primary responses the body has to food is the production of dopamine (the happy neurotransmitter). As the stress in our lives leads to increased cortisol and decreased dopamine, the digestive system struggles to absorb the necessary nutrients. The drive to satisfy the brain with a supply of dopamine then leads to the urge to eat more than we actually need (stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system), and fat begins to accumulate (often in the places we don’t want it). The end result is unwanted weight gain as well as potential health risks associated with the hormonal imbalance.

There are several ways to combat this cascade of events; the first and simplest of which is to take a break from the rush of life when having a meal. This allows the body to absorb the nutrients from a meal more efficiently and gives time for the feelings of satiety (feeling full) to set in and prevent over-indulgence. The second is to seek chiropractic care. Maintaining a healthy neurological system is very important because it is the driving force behind every living cell in the body. The most effective way to do this is to get adjusted BY A CHIROPRACTOR. There is no substitute for the specific care provided by a professional D.C. The brain controls every function in the body, and the communication between the brain and the body is transmitted through the spinal cord (which is protected by the spine), to the body, and eventually back to the brain. If there is interference in the communication between the brain and the body, we see malfunction.

Moral of the story. . . take time to relax when eating, and take care of your spine!
2)    Rosmond, Roland. "Stress-Related Cortisol Secretion in Men: Relationships with Abdominal Obesity and Endocrine, Metabolic and Hemodynamic Abnormalities1." JCEM 86.6 (1998). Print.