Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Simple Fix to a Painful Problem

This picture does a pretty good job of showing the effect of a bulky wallet. Low back pain can be caused by many things that we do and this is one that over time can become quite a problem. As the diagram shows, when sitting on a wallet (or any other bulky object in a back pocket) the lumbar spine bends sideways. If the spine is in this position for long periods of time, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that support the spine will adapt. These changes can cause the bones to become displaced and fixated. This can cause a great deal of pain, and also requires a lot of work to correct. The easy part is to remove the wallet. . . the rest of the work has to be done by a chiropractor and you. 
Remember. . . 
In order to optimize our body’s capacity to function, we must take care of it! This means it is essential to  maintain a positive mental focus, avoid and eliminate toxins, exercise regularly, eat a healthy well balanced organic diet, and take excellent care of the nervous system. . .

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